A Message from the Foundation President
I am honored and excited for the opportunity to serve as Foundation President. As a senior partner and a member of Brown Rudnick’s Management Committee, I am inspired by the Charitable Foundation’s enduring commitment to improving education in underserved communities. For over a decade, Brown Rudnick has brought to bear strong advocacy, volunteerism, and monetary support to help thousands of children, from preschoolers to high school students, advance on the path to becoming productive, educated adults. The Foundation’s vision is part of the very fabric of the Firm and makes us all better lawyers and better people.
Like the most effective community programs, the Foundation has evolved over time, bringing its resources and influence into new geographies to reach those in need and introduce new initiatives that support inner-city schools and non-profit educational programs. Even in the toughest of times, we achieved significant milestones. Although we could reflect proudly on our past successes, we are committed to continuing our reach forward.
I believe that we face a transformative moment in education. Many educators and non-profit organizations are introducing new ideas and innovative programs that will help advance the shared mission of improving education in underserved communities. We are excited by their energy and look forward to partnering with them in the coming year.